Oct 7, 2015

Blogger Supports HTTPS Connection

Google now introduces HTTPs supports on blogger like this site. However, it does not support custom sites - yet.

Now, blogger has now improved with all-new HTTPs support. It will improve the internet experience among bloggers and readers alike. Furthermore, this will define further the meaning of having a blog with a secured connection.

HTTPs connections are far more secured connection than HTTP protocols. This also enhance the browsing experience by having a faster loading speed for an article entry.

Here is the official statement from Blogger Buzz: (link here)

"Since 2008, we've worked to encrypt the connections between our users and Google servers. Over the years we've announced that Search, Gmail, Drive, and many other products have encrypted connections by default, and most recently, we've made a similar announcement for our ads products

In this same vein, today we're expanding on the HTTPS Everywhere mission and beginning an initial rollout of HTTPS support for Blogspot. HTTPS is a cornerstone of internet security as it provides several important benefits: it makes it harder for bad actors to steal information or track the activities of blog authors and visitors, it helps check that visitors open the correct website and aren’t being redirected to a malicious location, and it helps detect if a bad actor tries to change any data sent from Blogger to a blog visitor. 

While this initial rollout won’t support all of our Blogger users, we wanted to take the first step to make HTTPS available for Blogspot; for those users who want to try it early."

In order to add this feature in any blog, follow the procedure below:

"Simply log into https://www.blogger.com, click on the blog you’d like to make HTTPS enabled, navigate to the Settings page, and select "yes" for "HTTPS Availability". Unfortunately, blogs with custom domains are not supported in this first version. 
Once enabled, your blog will become accessible over both HTTP and HTTPS connections. Blogspot authors should be aware that if they choose to encrypt at this time, some of the current functionality of their blog may not work over HTTPS. This can be a result of template, gadgets, and blog post content, and is often caused by mixed content errors, some of which may be fixable by the author themselves

However, not all gadgets are applied in HTTPS connections and still needs a support from the authors of the blog. This is a great start for all bloggers with -blogspot.com domain.

Note: All blogs under the Pitz Media are already HTTPs enabled. However, not all gadget features are working in HTTPs format. Furthermore, all sites are still accessible thru HTTP protocol. Enjoy reading!

With post from Blogger Buzz Jo-el van Bergen, Software Engineer, Security.

Pitz Orpiano

About Pitz Orpiano

Author Description here.. He is a blogger and a college student. Out of mere interest, he write articles and blogs for the common good.

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